Access Platforms

Custom Access Platforms in Perth, WA


Tailored Access Solutions

ACS fabrication can build many types of access solutions to best suit your needs. Regardless of the application, whether it’s fixed plant or mobile access, we can assist in finding a solution.

Lightweight and Durable Platforms

Platforms are primarily made from aluminium due to their lighter weight and resistance to the elements; however, we can also manufacture them in steel and stainless when required.

Custom Access Platforms

Designs can be customised to suit almost any application and requirement, and all access platforms are built to meet and exceed AS1657-2018.

Check Some of our Projects Below!

We are your outlet to make ideas into reality! Your help realise your visions! 

We Specialise In:

Modification & Repairs

General Fabrication

Truck tank modification & repairs

4WD/Ute/Caravan accessories


Custom Work

Improve safety and efficiency with custom access platforms from ACS Fabrication. Contact us today on 08 9250 8386 to discuss your specific requirements!

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